Apache Flagon is an open-soure, thin-client behavioral logging capability useful for business analytics, usage analytics, usability and user testing. It's also for science into how information technology is used. Flagon supports a range of streamlined deployment schemas ranging from single webpage analysis to enterprise level monitoring, making it easy to collect data without heavy modification of your own code. Using Elastic products, Flagon makes it easy to scale, integrate other services, access your data and get the insights you need out of it. In the spirit of customization, the Apache Flagon project collects a number of modular products and capabilities to help you build the stack that suites your needs.
UserALE.js is the DOM/JavaScript client for UserALE. Every user activity is logged and sent to the UserALE backend for storage and analysis by Distill.
Tap uses the Bowie plot to present your users' micro-workflows and help you uncover insights into how your users interact with you apps. Start on the left, with the activity that starts the workflow, sized by the frequency of the activity. Next, the circles in the middle show the second activity in the workflow. The circles are downselected and sized by a graph metric to help uncover a particular type of insight. End on the right with the final activity of the workflow.
Apache Flagon is a free and open-source, thin-client behavioral logging solution for business analytics, usage analytics, usability testing and scientific research. Formerly named Apache SensSoft, Flagon had its start at Draper for DARPA's XDATA program and represents the hard-work and innovations of an interdisciplinary team of data scientists, psychologists, developers and system architects. Apache Flagon is maintained by the people that love it under the mentorship and guidance of the Apache Software Foundation. Join the conversation and the community!